I’m pleased to announce that my first horror novella, The Dark Land, is available on Amazon! If you’re interested in legendary creatures stalking the frozen trails of the largest national park in the US, check it out!
Ancient evil seethes in the ice-locked boreal forest, watching their every move during the long northern nights. The legend of the Headless Ravine is steeped in blood. The Dark Land’s hunger for flesh never sleeps, even in the deepest cold of winter
So How
So how did a girl from a small town in the Mojave Desert End up in Alaska?
Thank for visiting my page. I’d like to share a little story with you.
In the spring of 2000, a few months before my 22nd birthday, I rolled out of bed to discover that the right side of my body was numb, but I couldn’t see out of my right eye.
Disturbing, right?
There had been a slew of what seemed to be unrelated symptoms up to this point, but the result was a diagnosis of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.
This diagnosis abruptly ended my Naval career as a Nuclear Electrician’s Mate.
As you can imagine. I was devastated. I thought my life was over
The real adventure was only just beginning.
Through many twists and turns, working as a technician and later an engineer, I made my way first to Seattle and later to Alaska. I had many colorful adventures along the way as a both a Woman working in STEM, and a woman with an invisible disability.
Me out at the cabin in the winter of 2016, trying to find the firepit.
But what prompted me to throw my stories out thing to the world for all to see?
I looked around recently and realized there were not many books that I could relate to, books with women in STEM careers solving problems. If you don’t know, STEM is an acronym. It stands very broadly for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. And let’s face it, there are not many of us women in these professions to begin with. Sadly enough, even though it is 2019, I have even met people who express out loud that they didn’t know that women could be electrical engineers. Often times they think I work with computers and ask me if I can fix theirs. I explain to them that is too low of voltage.

This got me thinking, wouldn’t it be great to write some stories with great female protagonists in roles other than just a “hacker.” I am not knocking computer science engineers. I know some amazing women in this field and we need more women here, just like we do in every aspect of STEM. I want to help people understand that computer science is more than just a person sitting behind a computer “hacking.” Just like I want people to understand that there are amazing careers out there that they maybe have not even thought or heard of that are in the realm of STEM. this is one of the reasons I started this page and decided to start putting my writing out there for the world to see, for better or worse.
In the summer of 2019, the company I worked for announced they were selling our business unit. We had the option to go to the new operator, or take a package. I decided this was the opportunity I needed to not only focus on my writing, but help develop our 31 acres in Chicken, Alaska into an off-grid writing retreat, using the skills I have learned working in the energy industry to bring alternative energy to our property.
In July of 2020, we start construction on new buildings. Earthwork will also begin to prepare for 2021 construction. Follow me as I change gears and set forth onto this new adventure in life. I’ll be spinning a few stories along the way…

For sneak previews and deleted scenes of my upcoming release, sign up for my newsletter below (I promise not to spam, though we do like SPAM here in Alaska, #2 consumers of the canned product after Hawaii):
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