While my other section will contain manuscripts that I have completed and are in the editing process, this section will be my works in progress, ideas that I am still pondering, and things that I have jotted down as future plans , but just haven’t gotten to yet.
For sneak previews and deleted scenes of my upcoming release, sign up for my newsletter below (I promise not to spam, though we do like SPAM here in Alaska, #2 consumers of the canned product after Hawaii):
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A Copper Year

Glacial Till

Cold Cracking

APD Detective travels to Prudhoe Bay to investigate a mysterious string of murders in the arctic. What he doesn’t expect is Electrical Engineer, Marigold Kent as his guide, a widow to one of his first Alaskan murder cases. As the clues come unraveled like the quickly melting ice, he realizes they are on dangerous ground, and the killer has Marigold in his sights.