The summer Solstice is a special time here in Alaska, filled with parties and festivals. We hold our long, beautiful summer days dear to our hearts. Especially since we know the dark, cold days of winter are coming.
For Solstice, Ray and I typically head out to the cabin in Chicken. Solstice weekend is traditionally the Dust to Dawson bike ride and Chicken is one of the safety stops. It is fun to see motor cyclists from all over the world ride through on their way to the poker tournament in Dawson City, YT.
This is what originally inspired the idea for my writing prompt and to have DK Marie’s character, Liberty meet mine in Chicken, and run the bar.
Here is last weekend’s story compiled as much as I could find of your tweet’s. Thanks everyone for participating. I will chick in as much as I can before we go off the grid for the weekend. Run wild with the prompt and have fun with my theme:

Flattered by the attention from this hot, young guy, she couldn’t take him seriously. She smiled, and tried to brush him off with a light remark about her age. “You’re not old,” he said, “you’re vintage.” The ways his eyes swept over her made her reconsider his intent.
An ancient heat in his amber-brown eyes ignited a spark in her very core. “What I lack in ‘age’ I make up for in experience.” He took her hand and pressed it to his lips, letting his breath linger against her skin.
he young Adonis on the porch assumed a casual stance, leaning against the post, thumbs hooked in his belt loops. Her eyes drifted down to his hands, and she couldn’t help noticing how nicely his jeans fit. Shannon felt her face flush as heat spread through her
He basked in the heat from her lovely gaze. He turned his head at a low growl and a noise from the woods behind them. He gave a wolfish grin at his brother who scowled and walked toward the bar. “That’s my brother. Don’t mind his ill manners. He’s not very social”
Shannon could barely look away, but she glanced at the man walking toward the bar. From where she sat, he looked at least as delectable as his brother. Something in his lithe movement made her heart beat faster. If there was nothing else about Chicken, god the scenery was awesome
Returning her gaze to the young man in front of her, she asked him if he lived here. “Sometimes,” he answered, with a lazy grin that sent a shiver up her spine. She indicated the spot next to her, inviting him to sit. “Can I get you a drink?” she asked. “Or anything?”

She stepped from the airport doors & paused. The heat was unexpected. Where was the cold & fog? She looked up & read the sign. Yup, Alaska. Liberty shrugged & searched for Ashley, figuring this would be one surprise among many.
“Liberty!” Ashley shouted over the throng of tourists. She rushed to her friend and wrapped her arms around her. “So glad you made it. I have so much to tell you. We’ll grab lunch then head to Merrill Field. Sam’s getting the Beaver ready to fly us back to Chicken.”
Always a sentient woman,all it took was a loving, emotional hug to know something was different with her friend. For now,they’d hold tight to their secrets &focus on the glow of seeing each other after too many passing seasons.
The Beaver swayed on the gentle wind blowing off the inlet as Sam lifted the plane into the Alaska summer sky. “Should be clear skies all the way to Chicken. We’ll Fly right by the Matanuska Glacier.” Ashley smiled to see Liberty’s face pressed to the window
Liberty tried to enjoy the wonderful Alaskan view but if they didn’t land soon they’d need a doctor and cleaning crew. Her nerves and belly didn’t agree with the dips and dives of the single-engine plane.
When the little plane landed, Liberty ran outside, wanting to embrace a tree and kiss the ground. Never again. When it was time to leave Chicken, Alaska, she was going to walk to the main, international airport.
Cecelia shifted in her seat and bit down hard on her lip. The #heat created between her thighs from Lavonda’s delicate touch set her heart pitter-pattering. Embracing in a corner booth and distracting the other patrons from Alexis who was emptying the register.
Once Lavonda and Alexis had cleared out, taking the #heat with them, Cecelia went up to the bar to order a scotch. She paid with some of the very same coin they’d lifted together.
Ashley and Aleksander
Everywhere Aleksandr had kissed her, #burned. Not like fire, more like an intense #heat that turned her on still. Ashley tried to get him out of her mind, yet the #respect he had shown her left her stunned. “Get it together girl.”
Ashley realized the heat wrapped around her was no dream. She she felt no shame about her dishabille, his dark wings covered them both as they lay on her bed. “Aleksander,” she snuggled into his arms. “I’ll have to leave the door open all the time.”
Natasha walked though the airport & ran his fingers thru his dark hair. He looked out of place with a fancy suit jacket and faded jeans, but he had always been a rebel. “Flying first class sir?” The lady asked. Natasha smiled “No I like to fly solo.”