Okay, I know…2020 has been insane so far.
I truly feel blessed to be able to get off the grid and away from the constant barrage of bad news. For the next three months, Ray and I will be unplugged (with the exception of coming into town for supplies. We are thinking of getting a satellite internet connection since we’ll be gone so much, but we haven’t made any solid plans yet.

Sunset/Sunrise times
This year’s Solstice Noon occurs at 1:43 pm on June 20th. The sun will set at around 12:45, and rise again around 2:45***.
***this is approximate per the sunrise/sunset calendar.
Weekend Plans
This weekend we plan on focusing on the upcoming construction in July. The foundations are almost ready, and we will start building structures for the new cook shed and shower facility in July.
Artist’s Retreat!!!
We’ll also start earth work for future guest cabin. Our dream is to turn our 31 acres into an off-grid artist’s retreat so we can share the beauty and inspiration of the Alaska interior with others.
We also we spend time researching, reading, writing and reflecting. Without the constant rattle and distraction focus and clarity on what truly matters is much easier.

Thanks for reading! My horror novella inspired by my adventures in the backcountry of Alaska is available on Amazon.
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